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Connecting Through Food Sovereignty

Amy Treasure (Siletz)

Updated: Nov 18, 2023

This month I had the pleasure of attending the NW Tribal Food Sovereignty Coalition Gathering in Idaho at the Coeur D'alene Indian Reservation. Elderberry Wisdom Farm set up a booth and I was able to tell others about the exciting program, and the benefits of the Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP).

The food and speakers were beyond inspiring. We learned the importance of harvesting in our culture, and using all that is around us. I attended an event about Sagittaria latifolia, also known as Wapato or water potato, and learned the importance of gathering and harvesting them from a nearby lake. We learned about food preparation, and saving your food items so as not to waste anything. Sometimes on reservations we don't have the chance to go to a store every day. It made me wonder what transitioning community gardens to organic could offer tribes, because they would be able to get the most nutrients out of their foods.

We also attended a circle of tribal members from Oregon, Washington and Idaho. We got to hear stories of the great things that are happening in Indian Country, and what people are doing to enrich the lives of their communities every day. I had learned a lot, and it left me with some different and great perspectives.

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