The world is slowly waking up to the realities of climate change and the problem often feels too vast and complex for an ordinary person to do anything about it. But here at Elderberry Wisdom Farm, we are hard at work building capacity for climate resilience. And you can help.
We’re working on:
Traditional Ecological Development Workforce Development Project which has now expanded to become the Native Agriculture Biodiversity Accelerator which trains Native Americans pursuing agricultural and horticultural career pathways.
Native American Youth Film Project which is training students from University of Oregon in filmmaking that helps them connect with their cultural arts and traditional ecological knowledge.
The biography of Martin High Bear, a Lakota Medicine Man, to provide inspiration and guidance for the challenges we face.
Do you want to be a part of this movement toward sustainability? Here’s how you can get involved:
Become a Founding Donor - We’ve made it easy to make an automatic monthly contribution to help sustain these projects so they can become long-term programs that help build a positive future. Just check the box “Make this a monthly donation” and you’re all set.
Make a one-time donation - If funds are tight (and we know what that’s like), any kind of donation is welcome.
Join a Volunteer Day - We’d love to see you in person. Sign up for a Volunteer Day and come help out on the farm.
Together we can build a future for Native American children and our children’s children.